Thursday, September 1, 2005

I just heard that the bussing from the Superdome to the Astrodome was suspended this morning because some dummass was shooting at one of the rescue helicopters! C'mon people! The baby above is only 4 days old. Can you imagine not only being homeless, having no transportation, very little food and water, perhaps no husband or family, and now a newborn with no diapers or formula?!! The conditions are just shocking. I can't even begin to imagine their despair.

I made my Red Cross donation this morning. And hopefully if I can get off work early tomorrow I'll be donating my loverly blood at UBS.

I'm up early this morning - 5:45! - as I will be every Mon-Fri in September. I'm the lucky winner of the month who gets to update the "UA* color line". Never heard of such a thing? Well a small percentage of the folks who are on felony probation - generally for drug and alcohol offenses or relapses after treastment - are supervised on a specialized caseload in which they have to submit random UAs (generally between once and three times per month). Each morning before 6am, an officer changes the pre-selected color on a voice mail. The offenders then call the color line at 6am, and if it's their assigned color, they have to report that morning between 8-8:30am for a UA. And walla - random drug testing!

At least being up super-early has some advantages. Today, blogging. Perhaps tomorrow, treatmill?

*UA = urinalysis = pee in a cup and we'll test it to see if you have any drugs or alcohol in your system.

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