Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Firestone sucks balls

I was looking for a jpg Firestone logo with a big red circle and line through it, but couldn't find one, so please picture that here.
<------------ Firestone is on my shitlist. I had a near-rip-off experience with them a couple of months ago, but luckily I was able to avoid the complete jack.* Why I decided to tow the car there again last night I am not completely sure - habit I guess, a "reputable" repair shop close to home in a decent neighborhood where I could leave the car overnight. Around noon, Firestone called me with an estimate. New distributor assembly and ignition ignitor. Get ready for this. Are you sitting down? Parts and labor: $826.98. HOLY F!!

About 15 minutes later I snapped out of the financial-induced stupor, and I called around for some other estimates. Not surprisingly no one else was quoting near this much. In fact all the bids were UNDER $500. A $325 markup?! Amazing. I'm not sure why I feel compelled to add this, but Firestone is not entirely without merit: their employees are incredibly friendly. So I had no qualms telling their smiling faces why I felt screwed, again. And even after getting that off my chest, I am still pretty damn bitter that I had to pay the $79 diagnostic fee even though they didn't do a drop of work on the car. Ugh.

Okay, so a few hours later this story has a happy ending since I was able to get my baby back in working order before 6pm, so I'm back in business again (not that I wasn't looking for an excuse to miss work tomorrow, but that is another story). And the best part is I have a new auto mechanic: Sexton Automotive. They rock. Firestone, on the other hand? I will never set foot in their establishment again. And unless you have more money than Steve Jobs, I would like to warn you against giving them your business.**

*A very similar story with a very similar ending. Slow learner, I know.
** Do you know how much I want to marry into a family with a mechanic?! A doctor, lawyer, and plumber would be nice to have in this ideal family as well, but above all, a mechanic. Please.


Anonymous said...

you have no idea what it is like to be a tech. bitch.

Anonymous said...

paying the diagnostic fee supplies the technician with financial compensation for his WORK and time put into deciding beyond a reasonable doubt what is the cause of your no start condition. had you know what the issue was before you could have simply stated the parts you wanted to be replaced and received a quote prior to paying for the diag. technicians get paid an hourly rate, but each job is paid to them in tenths of an hour for example a diag may be and hour or an hour and a half depending on the shop practices.

Anonymous said...

The guy before is right. It sucks to be a tech. You can have a job that calls for 5 hours book time (which is charged to the customer) and get it done in two hours. You as a tech want to keep the big jobs coming in but no of course not you get stuck doing oil changes and tire mounts to make up that time and it pays shit.

Not only that but you do have to deal with some customers who don't know jack shit about cars. It is a sucky job and the pay is minimal and not worth it for the aggravation.

Anonymous said...

not only does the job suck we have to put up with stupid ass people who dont know what there talking about and think becouse we fix one problem with there piece of shit car all the problems for the next year are becouse we worked on it

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Anonymous said...

Your a goddamn retard. You wouldn't know what the fuck was wrong with your car if they hadn't diagnosed it, and you expect them to spend hours hunting down the problem for FREE?

When you get sick, do you go to your doctor and tell him to not run any tests, but just shove pills down your throat until something works and you're better? No... you fucking moron.

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Anonymous said...

I recently went to Firestone and they tried to fuck me. $732 for front rotors and pads. I don't mind paying a reasonable markup 40-60% but I will not pay a 500% markup to have some moron do a job that is as simple as that FUCK FIRESTONE AND THEIR MANAGEMENT!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They are professional fuckers they fuck everybody customer techs male female it doesnt matter to them