Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance,
A church filled with family and friends.
I asked him what kind of a wedding he wished for,
He said one that would make me his wife.
~Author Unknown

Isn't that nice? I obviously haven't taken the time to work on my blog or even post this week. But the good news is our wedding plans are coming together. We not only have a date, but also a location (and it is fantastic)! It was amazing how the whole thing has worked out almost effortlessly - as far as I'm concerned it was meant to be, at this time and in this place. Things are good.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Aren't I creative?

This is my first attempt at art. Also an attempt at a thoughtful yet inexpensive birthday gift full of heart. TA DA!

Cajun the Cat ala Warhol, 1 of 1

I spent hours attempting to master Paint and use some "simple" tutorials to capture the color blocked effects, but to no avail. I'm even worse at Paint than I am at FrontPage!

Anyway, I found a fantastic little program that does everything for you (that is if you can find a photo that will look okay in primary colors, which is not as easy as you might guess). I printed several different versions, and this could become a series. I kinda like it.

Too bad it is so challenging to find a place to put something this, uh, COLORIFIC in our apartment!

*Update: I think Darth has solved my HaloScan problem, and I should have time to get everything up and running this weekend. Thanks Darth, you are the BEST!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ah, spring

The picture I used for the new banner is one that I took two years ago when TBF and I drove to Corpus and South Padre for Spring Break. I'm always amazed by the gorgeous wildflowers in South Texas, especially those bluebonnets.

It's been raining for two days straight now. And I am thrilled. We were in a real life drought - I think like 160-something days of no precipitation. And finally... cool, revitalizing, refreshing rain. We've had the back door open all day and it's been marvelous. Bring it on!

Picasa and Blogger were pissing me off this afternoon with all their errors, so I'm trying something new for posting photos: Flickr. Hope it works.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Bigger and better

I've spent most of the day reworking my blog. You likey? A little easier on the eyes I hope. I started out just wanting to add a banner, but I thought, hell if I'm changing that, let's just update the whole thing. I never would've guessed this would turn into an 8-hour project! Jeebus, I am a FrontPage idiot. But I think it looks okay now. There are some things I might go back and change next week, but for now I'm just glad to be at a stopping point.

My only MAJOR concern is that when you click on the comments, the HaloScan box pops up as it should, but then the TB page also turns into a HaloScan comment box. WTF?! Any thoughts on this? Comment if you can, or email me if you have any idea about a fix. I may have to resort to adding HaloScan code again, but I had to screw with it for so long to begin with (I made the mistake of deleting the code for all Bloggers comments, then HaloScan had nothing to replace, ugh). Anyway, looking for a quick fix if you have one!

And I'm open to any other suggestions you may have, or problems you see.

P.S. My denseness could have a little bit to do with us staying at O'Reilleys until 2am with an old friend, the Killians, the Irish Car Bombs, or the $139 bar tab. Very fun night. Not so fun hangover.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St Pat's!

Happy St Patty's Day to me wee little friends in the blogosphere!

Today is also TBFs birthday, so we will be double-celebrating today. Green beer and whiskey for everyone!!

Have a great weekend all!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I have been SUCH a slacker this week. I've seen all my people, but haven't done more than a smidgen of the paperwork that should accompany each appointment. Oh, and don't even get me started about filing. It all started last Wednesday when I purposely put off my work, thinking I could get caught up the following day, but unfortunately the next day brought some kind of new drama that kept me from doing my paperwork. And I have yet to get caught up.

I shouldn't be surprised. The life of a probation officer is always full of drama. Filing paperwork and verifying employment and checking UA results and doing field visits are a breeze. There are always subsequent arrests and relapses and bad attitudes and violations of curfew and new relationships and moves out of county and broken down cars and hating on counselors and hating on me and losing jobs and getting raises and being kicked out of the half-way houses and positive UAs and losing kids to CPS and tears and lies and deceit.

So these things keep me busy from 8-5.

But besides that, TBF and I have finally found a fantastic wedding venue, and we've narrowed down the date. And for the first time in months, I am really really excited about the wedding and our future as legally hitched "man and wife". I am a happy gal, and well, my job just doesn't seem so critical this week.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Brunettes have more fun

This weekend I went from an old ashy blonde to ...

... a lovely healthy brunette!

Cajun approves!

Not much else going on here - lots of work, a little bit of play, some wedding planning, hockey game last Saturday, got a Sam's membership and stocked the kitchen, American Idol twice a week, trying to stay out of the wind, doing a bit of reading up on investing - more on that later. Have a good one!