Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Fave stories

Since I started working at probation 5 years ago, my friends always ask for two things: to see my badge and for funny stories. My badge has been lost for ages (if you ever see someone impersonating TB, please confiscate that badge!), so here are two of my all-time favorite drunk probationer offenses:

A girl was drinking with friends at a local bar. Her friends thought she was too drunk to drive home, so they called her a cab. The cabbie arrived and went inside to find the girl. Unfortunately the girl walked outside about the same time, got in the cab, and drove herself home! Her friends gave the cops the girl's address so they were able to find her and the stolen cab. She managed to get home in one piece, but unfortunately picked up an Unauthorized Use of Vehicle charge.

One of my other favorite stories is a girl who was drunk when she left Tom's daiquiri bar (and anyone who's ever been to Tom's knows there is no other way to leave there!). Within two blocks of the bar she rear-ended another vehicle at a stop light. This other vehicle just happened to be a police.officer.in.a.marked.cruiser. Oopsy!

More amusing, unfortunate, disturbing (and always anonymous) stories to come!

Monday, May 30, 2005

The book meme

Oh, Silly Serra - and no, "silly" was not really the adjective I originally thought of when she tagged me - but it is a holiday and I don't have to work and am in a swell mood, so here goes - The Book Meme!

1) What is the total number of books I've owned?
Yikes. Do people really count their books? I'd have to guesstimate in the hundreds. Between text books, fiction, and cook books ... yeah, hundreds. Luckily they aren't all under my roof right now though. As with our DVD collection, we've decided that we've got to start getting rid of "stuff". Although I thought it was really cool in the past to display collections of everything, more recently I've realized it's okay to rent DVDs and check out books from the library, and have less clutter to look at, and perhaps more importantly, less junk to move.

2) What is the last book I bought?
I purchased Another Chance: Hope and Health for the Alcoholic Family last week. My supervisor recommended that I read it for my internship, and I got it used on Amazon for - get this - 21 cents! Woot! Bargain of a lifetime! So it is sitting on the couch beside me at this moment. I was going to start reading when I woke up this morning, but damn you laptop, you evil temptress!

3) What is the last book I've read?
I'm going to take this one on a technicality. I've "read" but not finished reading Lonesome Dove. In fact, I've barely gotten started on this mammoth project, but am enjoying the writing immensely and want to make more time for it.

4) What are the 5 (plus) books that have meant a lot to me?
Okay, tough one. As I've been wrapped up in this whole higher-education thing for so long, I've pretty much forgotten what it is like to read for pleasure, i.e. I can't really say that I've read any life-changing or super-meaningful books recently. So here are some that I just flat enjoyed over the last few years. I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb, Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris, Last Chance Saloon by Marian Keyes, The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown, Wine for Dummies by Ed McCarthy, I Love You, Ronnie by Nancy Reagan.

Extra credit question, 'What book would you wish to buy next?'
I've heard great things about The Time Traveler's Wife - I'd like to give it a whirl.

I won't be tagging today. Feel free to take this meme to your own blog if you'd like!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Cucumber dip

I noticed that I had hits for "cucumber dip" this week, which is odd since I never remember writing about my most favorite wonderful delicious dip in the world... BUT now that I've mentioned it, let me go ahead and share the recipe. Memorial Day weekend is upcoming, and I'm sure you have been asked to bring a little something to your family gatherings, parties, picnics, etc. So, if you've waited until the last minute and need a show-stopper, here ya go:

Cucumber Dip

16 oz cream cheese
16 oz sour cream
1 packet dry Hidden Valley Ranch mix
1 cucumber, peeled and diced

Mix together and chill. Serve with chips or veggies.

Sounds a little odd I know, but it is sooo easy, and I promise you and your friends will LOVE it!

Happy Memorial Day to you all!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Have you ever?

I have about half a dozen "tag, you're it" style posts drafted that I've been meaning to finish but just haven't had the energy for. As my mind is a bit fried from all the thought I've been putting into the new/old job this week, here's a simple little list I found on Miss Macy's lovely blog a couple weeks ago.

So have you ever...

(x) snuck out of the house - was challenging in high school, I had hurricane shutters on my bedroom windows!
(x) gotten lost in your city - I'm pretty bad with directions
(x) seen a shooting star
(x) been to any other countries besides the united states - Mexico, see below
( ) had a serious surgery
(x) gone out in public in your pajamas - almost every weekend - why get dressed up to go to WalMart?
(x) kissed a stranger
(x) hugged a stranger
( ) been in a fist fight - although I always thought it would be a cool thing to add to my resume!
( ) been arrested - but I was pulled over for DWI around 1am when I was 19 - the cop let me park the car and call a friend for a ride - I think I cried about how I'd never get into law school with a record (was true at the time - I really did want to go to law school!) - LUCKY!
( ) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose
(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator
( ) swore at your parents - never to their faces, but I did call my teacher Ms. Dilmore "Ms. Dildo" once in front of them in 3rd grade - they were not pleased - but hey, what kind of 3rd grader knows what a dildo is?!
(x) been in love
( ) been close to love
(x) been to a casino - we used to go to Inn of the Mountain Gods in Ruidoso a lot, but they ditched the $2 and $5 tables - minimum $10 now and I'm not THAT good at black jack!
( ) been skydiving - but I'd like to - I'm terrified, but I wanna do it eventually
(x) skinny-dipped - argh, several times at our old apt ... with other people - we were NUTS!
(x) skipped school - it's a miracle I made it through undergrad
(x) seen a therapist - went for a while when I was in a really crappy relationship several years ago - my internship supervisor is recommending I start up again - she says I can't be a good counselor until I've spent some time on the couch!
(x) done the splits - lots - was in dance team all through high school
(x) played spin the bottle - yes but hated it - I was more about the non-contact group drinking card games
(x) gotten stitches - last time in my lower lip when I fell on a concrete bench - ouch
( ) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour - uh, why?!
( ) bitten someone - but I DID talk to an offender this week who is getting charged for assault for biting his mom on the face!
( ) been to Niagara Falls
(x) gotten the chicken pox - don't remember the itching but I'll never forget the smell of that yucky pink lotion
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex - yeah, glad no one is asking for a number here
( ) crashed into a friend's car - no, but have hit quite a few stranger's cars!
( ) been to Japan
(x) ridden in a taxi
(x) been dumped - Daniel S, you heart breaker!
(x) shoplifted - okay, only 1 person in the world knows this: in undergrad I stole a can of bean dip - I'm so morified ((Will, I think we passed the statute of limitations on this one!))
( ) been fired - can you hear me knocking on wood?
( ) had a crush on someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend - sometimes it seems kinder to save people's feelings
(x) had a crush on a teacher - Coach Plott, you were sooo hot in those coach-shorts!
( ) celebrated Mardi-Gras in new Orleans
( ) been to Europe
(x) slept with a co-worker - did ya know TBF and I met at work? I was his supervisor!
( ) been married - 11 months away...
( ) gotten divorced
( ) had children - about 2 1/2 years away???
( ) seen someone die
(x) had a close friend die - my cousin committed suicide when I was in 5th grade
( ) been to Africa
(x) driven over 400 miles in one day - I dated a guy that lived in Corpus for quite a while - I was stupid enough to drive down there (550 miles!) a couple times a month - ugh!
( ) been to Canada
(x) been to Mexico - been to Matamoros, on the border across from Brownsville
(x) been on a plane
(x) seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
(x) thrown up in a bar - oh god, I'm embarrassed that I can't count the number of times this has happened
( ) purposely set a part of myself on fire - WTF?!
(x) eaten sushi
( ) been skiing/snowboarding - I've been innertubing at Ski Apache though
( ) met someone in person from the internet
( ) lost a child
(x) gone to college - for.about.t.w.e.l.v.e.years
(x) graduated college - finally! Got another one coming up in December!
(x) fired a gun - TBF has a shotgun - we both want to get .22s one of these days
( ) purposely hurt yourself
(x) taken painkillers

Yikes, this turned out hugely long since I went back and added some details to make it all a little more interesting. Adios amigos!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Super new job

Well, not a super new job, it's more like a return to an old job. Last June I was promoted to a new position in a new building. And last month I requested a transfer back. It isn't that I didn't enjoy the new position - my new coworkers are a blast and the work is relatively simple - but due to school, my funky class hours (in the middle of the day - noon to 2!), and trying to get all these internship hours squeezed in, I couldn't work the inflexible 8-5 job AND finish grad school. My partner in crime in the district courts was promoted to supervisor, so they recently chose replacements for both of us. Here's last week's email from our director:

Congratulations are in order for E. and M. They've been selected to replace J. (who is now a supervisor) and TB (who is returning to the supervision of a caseload). [blah, blah, more wonderful details about our replacements.]

As part of this change, TB will now be taking on one of the CCF/Substance Abuse caseloads, and A. will be taking over M's SAFPF caseload. (A word of thanks and a round of applause goes to A. for assisting in this!) We will be trying to arrange things so TB can work with our new counselor, N., as TB pursues her studies to become a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC).

Sounds all well and good, but there is drama. I'm absolutely thrilled that upper management sees how my education and training can be of benefit to the department, and that they are being incredibly flexible with my requests.

However, a couple of others in the department are not so pleased. The word is that they feel that mngt is catering to me because I'm in school (ah, the benefits of higher education - all these $student loans$ better get me somewhere!). Some feel that mngt has an "agenda". I honestly don't know exactly what this so-called hidden agenda is, and maybe I am a part of it, but sobeit.

What may not be clear from the email is that when they thank A. for assisting, what they really mean is that she is being forced out of her old position... to make room for me. My director informed me that he wants to change the dynamics of treatment. He wants there to be more focus on internal issues and conflicts, investigation into offender's thoughts and feelings leading to use, and treatment of the primary cognitive dysfunction not just the presenting behavior. Walla - counseling!

Evidently he's aware that the tried and true ways of bitching and yelling at offenders, "stop smoking crack or you'll go to prison for 8 years!" just doesn't cut it. For habitual criminal offenders, the threat of incarceration doesn't work. That we know.

I start training my replacement tomorrow, we'll move into our new offices on Friday, and officially start our new positions on Monday. I'm a bit nervous. I haven't worked a caseload in over a year, and I'm not completely sure what is expected of me in this new position. And even more nerve wrecking, everyone is watching ... and expecting results.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Go Harold!

I realize not a lot of folks have stayed faithful to American Idol this season, but for those of you who have - we've finally got ourselves a show! It took way to long to get rid of the hangers on like Scott and Anthony, but now that they are gone, Carrie, Vonzelle and Bo are making these final two shows pretty exciting.

Two weeks ago I loved Carrie and last week I was rooting for Vonzelle, but tonight Bo Bice definitely won me over. I am so impressed that he decided to perform a song acapella. One of my big hangups with him has always been that he was just too "band-y" and that I didn't think he couldn't perform without that loud rock group backing him up. But he proved me wrong tonight. I think Carrie is great, and has a gorgeous voice, but I just don't see her making it in the big city. She's just so quiet and shy and well... country. I'm a little country myself, so I can say so.

My guess is that Vonzie is going home tomorrow. Carrie and Bo will take us to the Kodak theatre next week, but I think Bo is going to be the next AI. Hell, I might even pick up the phone and vote.

Better test taking

In class tonight we took a 90-question practice "comps" exam. I'll take the real thing in October - the big test that makes or breaks graduation. Not surprisingly I haven't started studying yet (c'mon, it's 5 months away!), so I was a tad nervous about this unannounced practice exam.

Turned out to be a great experience though. We got to play with this new testing system called PRS - Personal Response System. Each student has a mini TV remote that they use to answer questions from a power point presentation. Students answer each question anonymously and the program automatically calculates all the results on a bar graph. Instant feedback for each student. Very very cool.

Everyone gets the opportunity to participate, not just the vocal kids, and there is less pressure to perform since all the displayed results are anonymous (unless the professor has the remotes linked to each student to register responses for an actual testing situation). Imagine being able to give a legit "participation" grade using this method. Kids are less inhibited.

I don't know how expensive this system is, but I hope schools are able to afford the program. If nothing else, I see it as being a fantastic method to keep girls' confidence up in math and science. I don't know where the breakdown is occurring with our young women not performing up to their abilities in math and science, but I think this is a wonderful tool to assist in that issue.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Grade update

Email from my professor regarding my final grade:

Hi TB,
Your extra credit paper was really excellent and based on it I decided to give you an A even though we had planned on a B. With your paper you had the points for an A. Hope I will have you in another class. Have a great summer. Dr. W

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Monks on a roller coaster?

10 days since my last post?! Oh my - I'm such a slacker!!

Well, it has been ages, so here is the quick update:

I finished my last semester of "real" classes this week. I got an A in Practicum, an A in Diversity, and am still in limbo waiting for my Family grade. Last time I talked to my prof I had a C (missed classes + weekly quizzes = C), but I did a load of extra credit (10 page paper on gay parenting), and I'm praying that brought me up to B. Tapping my fingers......

Classes ended on Tuesday and I started my internship on Wednesday. I have to complete 300 hours before July 19, and another 300 hours in the fall. I will be finished with graduate school in December! But for now, I'm thrilled about no more tests, quizzes, or papers - just intern hours - whee!

TBF is graduating with his masters this week and is on the job search. I have a rather excellent grad gift picked out for him.

I bought a new book this week - Lonesome Dove - I've been meaning to read it for years, and I think this is just the time to do it.

Wedding planning is going well. I think I found the perfect ceremony/reception site but am waiting to get back up there with TBF so he can check it out as well.

On my mom's recommendation, I am giving the Michael Thurman 6-week Body Makeover a whirl. After doing it for only 2 days I've found it is kinda exhausting to prepare and eat 5 or 6 mini-meals each day. I know diets are pretty much a lost cause, but I'm gonna give it a week and see how things go. I'm drinking lots of water and exercising too, so I'm expecting good things at least from that.

I'm still working on changing job positions. Several people interviewed for my position this week and admin has narrowed it down to three candidates. I should know something by the end of the week.

So that is that! Hope you are all well and I will be checking back in with my daily reads very soon! :)

Sunday, May 1, 2005

Old family pic

I think this is about 1982 at a going away party for my family in San Angelo TX. I picked this pic up from my parents house when I was in Austin last week. Yes, Mom and I were wearing matching dresses. And Dad's glasses - awesome!