Monday, February 26, 2007

oscar recap

I can't recall the last time I sat through an entire awards show, or any four-hour program for that matter. But I didn't have much else going on last night, and really enjoyed the Academy Awards. So here goes, my first (and likely last) ever Oscar highlights in the book of TB.

In the matter of time, I think they could have cut back on a few of the montages, and the Jack Black/Will Farrell song - even though I heart John C Reilly, it did nothing for me. Ellen was a pretty good hostess (I loved that white tux), although I would've liked to see more standup and less crowd interaction from her. Maybe she had a great zinger saved for the end but all they had time for was that "Thank You! Goodnight!"

I was most excited to see Jennifer Hudson win for best supporting actress - what a heartfelt thank you speech. Gorgeous stage performance too - great job Dreamgirls! And Jennifer in that red dress - HOT! Imagine going from an American Idol reject (too harsh?) to winning an Oscar in less than a year. I'm so proud of her. I was equally moved by Forest Whitaker's speech, nice that he took a moment to share his motivation to act and his dream to touch people through his gift.

I think The Departed for Best Picture was a fantastic choice. Of course, it was one of the only two movies I saw in this year's category, so I'm biased. But I loved the crap out of that movie. And good for Scorsese - well deserved, man.

The dancers were incredible!! (Per? Par? Porabolas?? P-something or another.) Especially loved that penguin interlude for Happy Feet - too cute - I just can't imagine how they do it.

And as for fashion, which normally is the only thing I care about at awards shows... Cate Blanchett was my numero uno pick - she is so freaking elegant and refined (nice contrast to myself who just used the word "freaking" to describe something beautiful) - just stunning in that shimmery silvery number. Beautiful silhouette. Love her. Reese Witherspoon - gorgeous as always - Ryan Phillipe is a fool. Naomi Watts - super sweet and just lovely. I want to go on a picnic with her. And I never thought I'd say this, but Jennifer Lopez looked really classy as well, that flowy Grecian thing really worked for her. I didn't hear anyone say, were those diamonds encrusted on the top?!!!

Running out of time here, so will make this quick: My only yucks - Kristen Dunst (a collar on an evening gown?!), Cameron Diaz (it looked so uh, Max Headroom!) and Gwenyth (salmon gauze?! Ugh).

Can't wait until they make it to the top of my Blockbuster Queue: Pan's Labyrinth, The Queen, King of Scotland, Half Nelson, Babel.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Friday, February 23, 2007

"texas biscuit is..."

I'm not much in the mood for blogging today, but had this lovely lil meme ready to go for just such an occasion.

Google your name in quotes with an "is" — ex.: "[your real name] is" — pick your favorite ten responses and post them.

UPDATE: Just use your first name for tons of goodness.

1. Texas Biscuit is fashion. She lives it, she breaths it, she's in your face with it. She is it's biggest fan.

2. Why
Texas Biscuit is no longer on my blogroll...

3. Texas Biscuit
is all set to sparkle.

4. Texas Biscuit
is quoted as an expert on Internet topics, privacy, and other issues relating to technology and society.

5. Texas Biscuit
is yet to play a game this season after only just returning to training last month after nearly a year on the sidelines with a knee injury.

6. Texas Biscuit is a discolored mauve.

7. Texas Biscuit is a great cook and everybody looks forward to taking a doggy bag home.

8. Texas Biscuit
is found unconscious and nearly dead from starvation.

9. Texas Biscuit
is actually a double agent, working to sabotage the CIA's work against the criminal organization and is, contrary to her air of innocence, a cold-blooded killer.

10. Our little
Texas Biscuit is all growed up.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Lubbock has stooped to a new low. Last Friday night, the famous Chippendale dancers were arrested at a local sports bar, only about 45 minutes into their performance for "simulating sexual acts". C'mon, we all know of the Chippendale's reputation - and that is exactly why 400 people paid $20 each to see their show. It isn't like these innocent babes showed up at their quilting bee and were caught off guard by the racy show. Tickets were only sold to adults 18 and over, and only adults were allowed entrance to the bar. The crowd knew exactly what they were getting into, so why is the Lubbock City Council pushing their own oppressive values and warped morality onto its citizens?!

Granted, Lubbock is known for having the highest per capita of churches in the state, we're in the heart of the Bible Belt, and we only got a Hooters a year ago, but jeebus, THEY STILL HAD THEIR PANTS ON!!

As all our friends graduate and leave town and family encourages us to leave Lubbock, I've always done my best to talk up the community, to remind everyone about the friendly people, our progressive university, the lack of traffic, the mild climate, etc. But seriously, when we have to take heat from the national media about the ignorance and intolerance of those in charge of our great city, well, it just makes me totally ready to get out of this town that I've called home for the past 14 years. We've been talking about it for some time. In less than six months, we'll be calling a new city home.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

early favorites (guys)

Hmmmm. I was planning an entire post about my early favorites for this season's AI. I've had my blog post open ... waiting ... waiting ... still waiting. Where are all the rock stars?! Why aren't my bobby socks knocked off on week one?! Finally a chance to WOW us with a full performance and background music, and we got diddly squat.

For the moment, I like Brandon (best chance to take the big win) and Blake - they were the only stand outs in my book. And even though I didn't love his song, I'd still vote for Chris Sligh (but I never vote until the last few weeks). Overall, like Simon said about one of the first guys, I think all the dudes lost their sparkle.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Last week Anonymous Coworker posted that he got to go sledding during his lunch break. Lucky!

So before all the snow melts, I wanted to post some of my own sledding pics. We went to Colorado over Christmas to visit TBH's family. We were fortunate enough to be able to drive up just after Denver's first blizzard, and leave two days before the second one blew in. We took these pics on Christmas Eve, on a hill just a few blocks from his sister's home.

This is TBH's niece - getting some pretty serious air on a jump.

This would be me - my very first sledding ride EVER (I was a deprived child growing up in the deep south where we had neither snow nor hills). So I was a little excited.

This would be my wonderful husband at the bottom of the run. Wrooooo!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

faking it

Can you tell if your partner is faking it? Their smile, that is. Found this fun little survey on the BBC's website. Surprisingly, I got 20 out of 20 correct when watching a short video clip of a person smiling and guessing if it is "genuine" or "fake". Guess it's the counselor in me digging for honest emotion in my clients.

The site says: Most people are surprisingly bad at spotting fake smiles. One possible explanation for this is that it may be easier for people to get along if they don't always know what others are really feeling.

Have a few minutes to spare? Take the quiz here.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

sexy bitch

Last night was the first Friday night in three weeks TBH and I weren't drinking $5 pitchers at Conference Cafe during happy hour (if by happy hour you know I mean until midnight). We went to our favorite chinese buffet for dinner instead, then were too stuffed on sesame chicken and cheese rangoons to go out. So we enjoyed Friday night in our PJs on the couch.

I was excited to see the new season of Russell Simmons' Def Poetry Jam started this week. I'm consistently amazed with the intensity of the poetry these guys and gals can spit. I can barely put together a coherent blog post, much less write a lyrical poem, and I would never have the balls to get on stage and attempt the kind of heartfelt rhythmic performance these artists give.

I'm touched by their pain and inspired by their honesty.

There were several great readings last night including a fantastic husband/wife duo, but my favorite performance of the night was by a big guy in jorts who goes by Big Mike. I transcribed this straight off the TiVo recording, so I apologize to the author for any unintentional errors. But seriously, Big Mike has got it all figured out:

I’m six foot one
Two hundred and seventy five pounds
Two percent muscle
Ninety eight percent body fat
See I’m not the prettiest mother fucker
But I’m a sexy ass bitch

I’m sexy like a grandmother raising her children
And now raising her children’s children
‘Cause they’re too busy getting their groove on
See life ain’t nothing but a party in clubs
But clubs are for pretty mother fuckers

But Chucky Cheese … now Chucky Cheese is for the grown and sexy
Fathers flexing their muscle so little Junior can whack a mole
You got nannies and grannies bending their old asses over trying to play ski ball
Victoria Secret in hooker boots can never compare to a MILF in the supermarket with curlers, sweats, and house shoes
God that’s so sexy

Those once perky breasts that now sag after feeding your third child is sexy
My eight year old coming home and saying, “Daddy, I got Student of the Month” and I say, “Damn, baby, that’s kinda sexy”
My wife who can cook dinner as she talks on the phone while watching novellas and pops my son for trying to steal the Oreos before he eats

Librarians are sexy
Teachers are sexy
25 years of marriage in the Age of Divorce is sexy
Look beneath the surface and find the true meaning of sexy
My Big & Tall gear may never get me Red Carpet status
My jewelry has no bling
But I pride myself on the fact that I’m pretty good at this daddy-thing
It’s so fucking sexy

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie can adopt all the little Africans they want
They are not sexy
Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, eat some cupcakes bitches
‘Cause you are not sexy
Mrs Brady is sexy
Al Bundy was sexy
Florida Evans from Good Times - damn, damn, damn she was sexy
And me, Big Mike, a father, uncle, a grandfather, a teacher, a faithful husband, a loyal friend, and a responsible fucking man
I may not be the prettiest mother fucker
But I’m a sexy ass bitch

Friday, February 16, 2007

mmmm, dip

Looking for a delicious creamy dip to warm up your weekend? Try this one. I've eaten some pretty good spinach/ artichoke dips in my day (one of the best catered at our wedding), but this recipe is by far my favorite, and totally simple. I made it for a New Years gathering last month, and it was a real hit. You can modify this to keep warm in a crock pot instead of baking it if you prefer. You'll want to take this one to all your gatherings!

Cheesy Spinach Artichoke Dip


  • 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained
  • 1/2 cup yellow bell pepper, diced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 (6 ounce) jar artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
  • 1 (8 ounce) tub sour cream
  • 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese (not the powdered kind)
  • 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • 1/2 pint heavy cream


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix together spinach, bell pepper, garlic, artichokes, sour cream, parmesan and mozzarella cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Mixture will be thick - add cream to thin to dip consistency. Spoon into a 1 quart baking dish.
  3. Bake for 20 minutes, or until bubbly. Serve with tortilla chips or sliced baguettes. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

cliffhanger, ugh

OMFG. Are they seriously going to let Meredith die?! I wouldn't mind too much, she is my least favorite Grey's character, but my heart will just break for McDreamy and Christina. If I were them, I'd kick that little pig-tailed girl's ass for not telling someone Meredith got pushed into the bay. Stupid scared kid. Good to see McSteamy redeem himself by being there for Derek.

I'm surprised Izzy told George that he made a mistake by marrying Callie. I agree it was premature considering their ups and downs, but I really like Callie. How could you not love a girl that is so outspoken and has no qualms wearing her panties around the house.

Quote of the night by Izzy: "If I eat a tub of butter by myself, and no one is around to see it, the calories don't count." Hope the same goes for a tube of raw cookie dough!

Do you think Meredith will be revived next Thursday?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

what to do

I woke up this morning around 5 to peep out the blinds and find out if we were snowed in. No luck. Even though it was a whopping 12 degrees outside, there was only about an inch or two of snow on the ground, and nothing new falling. Back to bed until the alarm goes off at 6:45.

Next thing I know it's 7:15, and still no alarm. TBH jumped up, "the power's out". Meh. He still had to go to work, but the good news for me was I'd already planned on flexing out today, so I didn't have to worry about trying to find pants that didn't need to be ironed, putting on makeup in the dark, or going to work with wet hair.

But it didn't take long to realize all the things I cherish about a day off were also off limits: no endless cups of coffee, no Today Show or CNN, no watching our newest addition to our DVD collection: The Departed or any of my other Drew Barrymore favorites, no Xbox 360 (although that option was already out since it is somewhere between Dallas and McAllen on it's way to the repair center), no scrambled eggs, no blogging, and above all no heat. Did I mention it was 12 degrees?!!

So with no electricity and freezing temps, what's a girl to do?!

Put on my extra fuzzy sucks and a fleece. Mosey to the couch with pillow and blanket in tow, and take the world's best nap. No guilt about avoiding vacuuming or cleaning out the fridge. No television or internet distractions. Nothing but me, layers of feathers, and two happy cats.

We snoozed until 10:30 when the electric company got the power back on and I was able to brew some coffee and catch up on last night's American Idol. Now that is the way to start a day.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

dreaded car repairs

I've had old used cars all my life. Not classic-collector-old, just old enough to be kinda dumpy and have ongoing mechanical problems. And I hate mechanical problems. Hate. With a passion. I've had the misfortune of being that girl driving down the road with steam blowing out of the engine. And on a separate occasion black steam spilling out of the exhaust pipe. I've had all kinds of rattles and knocks and squeaks. My car has died on a country road, and a couple of times in traffic (the worst feeing EVER). There was a time when I had a car with a thousand dollars in speakers and sound equipment, but no A/C. Who said anything about priorities?

My most recent used car, a mid-90s Camry has been holding up pretty well. The paint on the hood has all gone to hell (looks like a sunburn, all cracked and peeling, ugly), but it runs pretty well. Until last week ... the dreaded banging-breaking-rattle arrived with a vengeance.

So yesterday my trusty mechanic tells me the water pump and timing belt have passed on to automotive heaven, and the repair is going to be $490. We were hoping for about a $300 bill, so almost $500 is going to suck.

And then he informs me that the oil pump is also on its way out. That could be an additional $310 now since they are already into the engine, OR $650 later when they have to open the whole thing up again. Grr! I know it sounds scammy, but these guys are very reputable and did a lot of free work for us when we were car-shopping (another post!). Anyway, he said the oil pump didn't have to be done now, and will probably be manageable for some time as long as we don't let it get too low on oil.

So that is fine with me. We don't take the Camry on road trips anymore, so it gets <30 miles a week. But the fact that we're going to have to pay almost $500 now, and another $650 in a few months on a used car just kills me.

How could the Car Gods possibly keep track of each time I'm about to get current on all my bills and start saving, and have the car blow up that very month?!

Monday, February 12, 2007

first book swap

I've gotten a tad burned out on selling old books on eBay and decided to try a free book swapping service I heard about last fall: BookMooch.

The service uses a point system where you earn points for listing books in your inventory, shipping requested books, and leaving feedback for others. You can earn even more points if you agree to ship internationally. It is free to use the service, and the only cost is in shipping media mail, usually under a couple bucks for paperbacks.

My only complaint so far is that while a book is on your Wish List, you can't click to search and see if it has been added to anyone's inventory. The only option is to retype the book's info and browse for it. And frankly the search feature isn't the greatest.

However I do love that they provide links to Amazon so you can quickly look up descriptions and reader reviews. Nice touch.

So last week I mailed three wedding books that I no longer needed. And in return requested three counseling books. The first one arrived today: the classic 1960s text on Transactional Analysis, Games People Play (for example SWYMD: See What You Made Me Do) by Eric Berne. It arrived only 3 days after I mooched it, and in perfect condition. For free. Excellent!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Thursday, February 8, 2007

i'm back (again)

I heard raves about the new blogger this week and reluctantly decided to check it out. Then decided to play a bit. I perused a few of my old posts, and laughed at some of the crazy and stupid things I wrote about over the past two years - many memories and feelings that I would've otherwise forgotten about. I reminisced a bit about some of the old blogs I used to read daily - good people, great writing, a few tears and a ton of laughs.

It's been 11 months since I last posted. At the time I was engaged, planning a wedding, and working as a probation officer. A lot has changed in the past year - I married my long time boyfriend, lost a grandmother, became a newbie gamerchiX, got a new job in my field, and grew another year closer to being in my mid-30s. And for whatever reason* I think I'm ready to start sharing those milestones, as well as the mundane minutia, once again.

So it is my time to get back to writing and posting pics, reading other blogs and getting back in touch with old friends from across the blogosphere. So... I'm back. For how long? I don't know. But blogging sounds like fun again, so here goes!

*To be entirely honest, I know exactly the reason why I suddenly have the time and inspiration to blog again: we got the dreaded red ring of death on our Xbox 360 last night and have to send it in for repair. Meh.