Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or Treat

No, this isn't my cat, but my Cajun would be equally pissed if I shoved his fat gut into a ballet tutu or made him walk around the house in anything pink and lacy.

I'm taking today off work - I went to the oral surgeon this morning (initial consult only - will get all four wisdom teeth "dug out of my head" per Vegasgustan's terminology, in two weeks), got my nails done, did a couple of errands. I should be cleaning or doing laundry or something, but for now I'm just relaxing on the couch.

But tonight, ooooo, tonight will be scary. My counseling class is going on a site visit today to Montford Unit in Lubbock. Not just a prison, but a PSYCHIATRIC prison!! This is so "Jason" in Halloween - it was mostly coincidence that we decided to schedule the visit for today, but I can just picture all the escaped prisoners wondering around in the field in the rain when we drive up to the unit. Can't wait!

I hope you and your kiddos and kitties have a Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I am lost. I didn't watch ABC's Lost last season, in fact, I never really heard that much about it. I got the impression it had kind of a Star Trek kinda sci fi following, but thought it was going to be a single season fly by night show. So it was odd when TBF and I came home the same day last week talking about it. Hype on CNN and local radio, I guess.

Anyway, we TiVo'd it and watched it last week. I was confused about what was going on, so read a couple of message boards to get caught up, but they seemed like they were written by 15-year olds. I decided I'd figure it out soon enough.

Then we watched again tonight, and if I'm not mistaken, tonight's episode was previous to last week's. I know these are re-runs, but why? And why in reverse order? I realize there are supposed to be lots of twists and surprises, but I feel like I may have to give up before I figure out what is going on. I've read several message boards, episode synopsis, and character descriptions, but I still feel like I'm behind.

So far all I know from the past 2 weeks is Walt was kidnapped, then his dad, Sawyer, and the Korean guy went to find him in the jungle. I saw the hatch, and the guy with the gun (what's up with the ancient Apple and the counter reset?), and the mysterious symbol. I saw the teddy bear and the legs of "the others". Am I supposed to know yet about the different groups of people in the island and from whence they come? Anyone know if a good site to catch me up, or want to offer some highlights from last season and whatever we've missed thus far this season?

Monday, October 24, 2005

Esteem outfits

Do you ever have one of those days when you just don't feel good in your clothes? Your skirt is a little too short, top a little too snug, shoes are scuffed, sleeves too long? You pull and tug and rearrange, but always seem to be thinking about your clothes. You just don't feel good. Presentations don't go well. You snap at coworkers. I'm CONVINCED it's all about the outfit.

It's your low self esteem outfit. ((By the way, this pic of the ugly Duff sister, how could she possibly be smiling in this outfit?! It's horrid!!))

On the flip side, you may feel fantastic in a new suit - the one that is altered to fit, hemmed just the right length, not worn at the knees or too tight in the butt. You walk with your head held high and you look people in the eye. People treat you with just a little more respect - or so it seems. Thus, the high self esteem outfit.

I'm trying to talk myself into getting rid of my low self esteem clothes. But I have two problems:
1) I'm a bit of a packrat and constantly think, "oh, this will look so cute with (fill in blank here with something I either don't own or have no occasion to wear)"
2) I really love the idea of an overflowing closet. Tons of shoes, loads of sweaters and jeans, racks of tops, rows of suits.

Sadly though, most of those rows of clothes have been hanging there for months because they never come off the rack. All the clothes I do wear are thrown on the nightstand or on the bathroom counter. What a wreck. I know I would be much happier and more pulled together if I have just a few FANTASTIC outfits, and ditched all these half ass clothes that don't really fit or look too dated or have a hole in the pit or a stain on the sleeve. As of yet, I haven't been able to do this. But I'm tired of not feeling good in my clothes. Yeah, yeah, maybe it's more about the mind and the body underneath the clothes. I'll address that at some point too. But not today. One thing at a time. Today... wardrobe. But where to begin??

Friday, October 21, 2005

Get your guns up!

In honor of the upcoming TTU vs UT Big XII football game on Saturday, here's a bit of a college forward I recieved this week. If you are familiar with either of these towns or schools, you'll love these:

I live on a piece of dirt so flat that we call the four degree incline at the intersection of 19th and Brownfield "the Big Hill". I get dirt in my eyes, hair, and teeth when I walk to class. I can out drink anyone from any other school because that is what we do best. If I'm not drunk by 4:30pm, I'm high. I can't buy beer within 50 miles of where I live - so I trek to the strip, which my friends and I all consider a true paradise on Earth. I don't go to many football games. I don't go to any organizational meetings. I don't really go to anything. Not even class. I like the fact that Will Rogers' horse's ass points to College Station. I fry cow balls. I know where Buddy Holly used to live. I am desperately trying to find a rival within our conference to make fun of. Our football players get caught by the NCAA. If I'm not drunk by 4:30pm, I'm high. But I'm usually drunk by 4:30pm. Or I'm high. And what the hell is that smell?

I live in a town where you stand out if you don't have a purple Mohawk, facial piercing chained to nipple piercing, a homosexual lover, or hang out at the Magnolia Cafe. More people go to my school than live in Australia. I honestly believe that Ricky Williams is a god. I also really hate Cody Hodges. I am open-minded and spiritually in tune - except towards people who are closed minded and spiritually out of tune. Liberal women with armpit hair are cool. You can see my dorm from Chicago for it is as tall as Florida would be if it stood up. I protest everything - except protests. I am a gold card carrying member of Amnesty International. I am openly bi-curious.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Firestone sucks balls

I was looking for a jpg Firestone logo with a big red circle and line through it, but couldn't find one, so please picture that here.
<------------ Firestone is on my shitlist. I had a near-rip-off experience with them a couple of months ago, but luckily I was able to avoid the complete jack.* Why I decided to tow the car there again last night I am not completely sure - habit I guess, a "reputable" repair shop close to home in a decent neighborhood where I could leave the car overnight. Around noon, Firestone called me with an estimate. New distributor assembly and ignition ignitor. Get ready for this. Are you sitting down? Parts and labor: $826.98. HOLY F!!

About 15 minutes later I snapped out of the financial-induced stupor, and I called around for some other estimates. Not surprisingly no one else was quoting near this much. In fact all the bids were UNDER $500. A $325 markup?! Amazing. I'm not sure why I feel compelled to add this, but Firestone is not entirely without merit: their employees are incredibly friendly. So I had no qualms telling their smiling faces why I felt screwed, again. And even after getting that off my chest, I am still pretty damn bitter that I had to pay the $79 diagnostic fee even though they didn't do a drop of work on the car. Ugh.

Okay, so a few hours later this story has a happy ending since I was able to get my baby back in working order before 6pm, so I'm back in business again (not that I wasn't looking for an excuse to miss work tomorrow, but that is another story). And the best part is I have a new auto mechanic: Sexton Automotive. They rock. Firestone, on the other hand? I will never set foot in their establishment again. And unless you have more money than Steve Jobs, I would like to warn you against giving them your business.**

*A very similar story with a very similar ending. Slow learner, I know.
** Do you know how much I want to marry into a family with a mechanic?! A doctor, lawyer, and plumber would be nice to have in this ideal family as well, but above all, a mechanic. Please.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I spent a good part of my day planning this post - mentally documenting each moment of my sucky day so that I could share with you each crappy part of it.

But then, come 6pm, it started getting better - I finally got home, took a hot shower, had a glass of chardonnay, went to Best Buy and had a wonderful evening with TBF over fajitas at Chilis with TBF, then on the way home...

...the car died. Died dead. It started up out of the parking lot just fine like it always does, we drove about 100 yards, and it just died. Dead. I know, I already said that, but it is still a shock. It seemed to have plenty of power but just wouldn't turn over. Had enough gas. No warning lights. Everything checked out. The tow truck idiot said it was probably a fuel filter. Fudge. He towed the car to a local shop then took us home. I still stink like b.o. from his stupid smelly tow truck. BUT, the good news is we made it home in one piece at a decent hour. There is money in the bank for repairs. We didn't miss work, class, or any appointments. And now, here I am blogging about it within the hour. Thank goodness for my AAA membership that doesn't expire until Nov 2.

Monday, October 17, 2005

It's over!

What a relief! Last Saturday morning I took my comps. I've never prepared so much in my life for any event - and particularly not for an exam. I am a VERY last minute kinda gal. I rarely begin any project more than 48-hours in advance, usually just the night before. But for this test, believe it or not, I actually started studying 6 weeks ago. SIX WEEKS! I ordered some pricey review materials, and read and read and read. I woke up early and read. I read and went to bed late. I spent dozens of hours studying at Starbucks over triple venti lattes. I read during lunch. I read in between meetings. I even turned down numerous drinking opportunities to read. It was nuts. I can't even believe it now.

Anywhoodle, I took my test last week and it went pretty smoothly. Oddly, I almost wished the test was longer because there was so much information I'd learned that wasn't on the test! Of course there were some questions I had to just guess on also, but for the most part, I felt like I did really well. AND more importantly, I'm expecting a congratulatory letter in the mail around Nov 1 which will permit me to graduate in December. And be out of school FOREVER! The downside that I'm refusing to think about is that if by chance I don't pass, I can retake the test. However, I have to be enrolled in a grad class to take it, which means more worthless tuition and fees, and pushing back graduation until May 2006. Ugh. Hopefully that isn't anything I'll have to worry about!

So, hopefully in two weeks, congratulations will be in order. But for now, it's just time to be getting back into the swing of things. And no more studying!!

Monday, October 3, 2005


I'm still working, interning, volunterring, and studying.
6 days till the biggest test of my life... Will return soon!
Hope you are all well!