Friday, December 31, 2004

Sims 2

This is one of the reasons I've been slacking on my blog entries the past week. Oh, I lurrve Sims so much. The detail in the new game is astonishing - from designing your house (there are now multiple color/fabric choices for each peice of furniture) to designing you Sim (they now have DNA that is passed on to their kids, they age, and they have wants and fears (yesterday my sim wanted to "woo-hoo" with her boyfriend!). It is so addicting though - I tend to get lost for hours in my Sims lives. You can even make your sims do yoga now!

But for now, no more Sims... I've got to finish making my 7-layer and cucumber dips, take a little nap, figure out what in the world to wear, and head off to our New Years Eve party by 8. Hope everyone has a safe and fun evening!

Thursday, December 30, 2004

3 generations

Mom, Grandmother (she looks pretty good for 95, huh?), and me - Christmas 2004.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Most cherished gift

Although I was blessed with numerous fun and thoughtful gifts this Christmas (more on that later), here's the story behind my most cherished present...

My grandmother is an incredibly skilled woodworker. For many years she and my grandfather owned the only furniture store in their town. She has always had a great appreciation for fine furnishing and woodwork. Then after she retired from the furniture business and my grandfather died in the 70s, she started building and finishing her own furniture. She has designed and crafted dozens of absolutely amazing pieces - works of art really - from curio cabinets and pie safes to bowls and butterflies.

So this Thanksgiving, as my 30th birthday and my grandmother's 96th birthday approached, she asked what I wanted for Christmas. After living off of retirement and social security benefits for longer than your average bear, she doesn't have a lot of money to spend on frivolous gifts, and this year I knew just the thing to ask for. I told her that I'd like one of the projects that she'd handmade.

Neither that conversation nor my possible gift crossed my mind again until we opened presents together on the 27th. She gave me 3 cutting boards that she not only made by hand (from scraps from other projects if you can believe that!), but has also used in her own kitchen for many years. I was so excited and overwhelmed that I started crying right there in the middle of a pile of holiday tissue paper.

I remember spending summers out in her woodshop as a child, reading Judy Blume novels on a nearby swing and enjoying the smell of the sawdust as she sawed and sanded. And now I own a special hierloom to remember our summers together.

I am so blessed to have my grandmother in my life. She is remarkably kind and thoughtful, not to mention amazingly talented, and thankfully the healthiest and most lively 95-year old I know! May she stay healthy, keep crafting, and spend ten more summers and Christmases with us.

Tsunami victims

Do what you can to help the victims of the devastating tsunami in southern Asia and eastern Africa. How we've helped so far primarily in the areas of water sanitation services, family linking and reunification, and relief supply distribution.

80,000 deaths and still counting...

You can even pick up a tee like this if you want to get something tangible in return for your financial support.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Back to work

Ugh - wasn't ready to come back to work today. Would much rather be back in the mountains - damn only getting paid when I actually show up to work! Sadly I have tons to finish up before the end of the year (end of the year?! How is that possible?!) Plus we still have family in town to attend to... SO all this is to say, no time to blog and post holiday pictures quite yet. Looking forward to catching up on everyone's holiday vacation / family drama / gift blogging over the next couple days...

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!

Hope you are having a wonderful
holiday with your friends and loved ones.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Sweeeet PJs

Busy busy with holiday preparations - wrapping presents, cleaning house, buying alcohol (uh, did you know Lubbock is a "dry" county - we have to drive 20 minutes each way to buy beer and wine - I will have to do an entire post on the stupidity of the theory behind this one day, but for now, suffice to say it really blows). With all this going on, not much time or inspiration to write...

However, I did get to open an early-early Christmas present tonight. BF got me some awesome pajamas. They are purple with a funky pony-tailed girl on them and say
I will not wear my pj's to class
I will not wear my pj's to class
I will not wear my pj's to class
How great is that?!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Fishtailing to work

3 inches of snow last night + temps in the 20s all day = sucky sucky roads. I know a good part of the nation is seeing this kinda weather this week, but we Texans are not used to this kind of cold (it's 19 now - brrrr!). I am a slow and cautious driver when the weather is inclimate, but I was still fishtailing all over the place this morning - as were most of the other cars on the roads. Scary. The local news said there were over 100 wrecks in Lubbock in the last 24 hours. Yikes. I hope this mess clears up so we can make it to Ruidoso for Christmas.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Traveling cat

We finished all our Christmas shopping on Thursday, got gifts wrapped, and even managed to get everything in the mail Friday morning. Would you believe family in Chicago already got their presents - that is a record (for me and USPS) - my gifts have be known to show up after the holiday on multiple occasions.

Anyway, during the packing process, Cajun decided he was tired of Texas and wanted to travel for the holidays. So he put a bow on his neck and hopped right into the box. He's telling me that he prefers Florida over Colorado as he isn't too keen on having cold wet paws due to the snow. I told him I'd see what I could do, but that it isn't cheap to mail a 15-pound cat these days, and he might just have to get a job and save up for a trip next year.

Monday, December 20, 2004


I had the pleasure of watching Finding Neverland at the theatre last night. I've never seen such a beautiful tale of believing and unlocking one's imagination as in this film. The fabulous Johnny Depp as James Barrie, stunning Kate Winslet as Sylvia Llewelyn Davies, and her boys took us on a journey through the inspiration behind the magical story of Peter Pan.

If you haven't seen Finding Neverland yet, add it to your holiday to-do list. It is a memorable and enchanting experience.

Sunday, December 19, 2004


I was shocked to read that W. had been voted Time's person of the year - again. However, it is interesting that Stalin and Hitler have also been awarded the honor. I guess I would have to agree with Time's editor that Bush IS the person that "most affected the news and our lives, for good or for ill"...

I was saving this for the first major f*ck up of the new administration, but perhaps today is a good day to share this little tale:
The election is over, the voting is done.
My party lost, your party won.
Let's all pull together, let bitterness pass.
I'll hug your elephant, you kiss my ass.

Over 59 million Americans voted to retain a President who was quoted as saying that Osama bin Laden (the mastermind behind the deaths of over 3000 people) is "not important"...but NOT ME!

Over 59 million Americans voted to approve the slaughter of American soldiers and innocent Iraqi men, women, and children over nonexistent weapons of mass destruction...but NOT ME!

Over 59 million Americans voted to approve the second class citizenship of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans...but NOT ME!

Over 59 million Americans voted to re-elect a President with the worst job loss record since Herbert Hoover and the worst budget deficit in history...but NOT ME!
Want to read some really smart political commentary? Check out Michael and Sarah.

Smarty pants

I. am. pleased. (hear Tom Skerritt in River Runs Through It when he finds out his son - not Brad Bitt, the uglier one - was hired as a professor at a university) .

Grades posted today and I got a 4.0 again this semester. It really blows me away that I can earn a 4.0 in graduate school while working full time, but could barely muster a 2.8 in undergrad (and that was after grade replacements!).

I guess there is a lot to be said for some maturity and focus. Thank God for maturity and focus.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Filthy bastard

A 24-year old punk was placed on probation today for assaulting his girlfriend of 5 years. I witness dozens of these cases every week, but today was different. The abused and her family requested to read their victim impact statements before the court.

The victim spoke first. Tears were streaming down her face and her hands were trembling. She bravely told the judge her story explaining how her boyfriend beat, strangled and choked her, how he pulled her through the house by her hair, how he whipped and burned her, and how even though she still loved him, she could no longer allow him to treat her - or their infant son - in this way.

The victim's mother then read her letter telling the judge the pain and hurt she'd seen in her daughter's eyes, yet how loyal she'd been to her boyfriend, despite his constant physical and verbal abuse. The mother said that she realized early on that there was little she could do to protect her daughter, and that trying to separate the two only compelled her daughter to run further into the arms of the boy.

Finally the father, an ex-marine, attempted to explain to the court the rage he felt when he was finally forced to recognize that his young daughter wasn't just "bumping into a cabinet at work" or "taking an elbow in a basketball game". Like I suspect many fathers would, he wanted to kill the boy, and he admitted this to the court. Yet instead he called the police, and continued to file reports until something was done. He said in the final instance, the boy beat his daughter with a 2 inch wooden dowel, which was shamefully attached at the opposite end to an American flag.

Today I was sitting where I could see both the family and the abuser's faces. This kid was well dressed and clean cut - interestingly he looked a lot like the recent pictures of Scott Peterson. While the family spoke, the defendant showed absolutely no remorse, no sadness at all. Even my eyes welled up with tears, but not his. All I could see was an emptiness in his eyes, a deep empty hollow. I watched him repeatedly clench his jaw and his fists. He is so angry. He felt embarrassed and disrespected. I don't know how or when, but I have no doubt that this kid will go find this beautiful young woman and hurt her again. I am so afraid that I will read about her in the paper one day. And how lousy that even when working in "the system" I still feel completely helpless to do anything to help her.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Wonder Woman

I was thinking about wonder woman today. How perfect was she?! Beautiful crime fighter, the bullet deflecting bracelets, the invisible plane, and that truth-telling lasso. Man, what I wouldn't do now to borrow that lasso for a day...

When I was 5, I had a Wonder Woman birthday party. The cake of course, and mom even made party favors of gold crowns, bracelets, and the red ball earrings for everyone to take home. I was the coolest girl in kindergarten that week.

Oh, and of course I had the underoos. Just found out they are making them for adults now, sweet.


Made this fabulous recipe tonight. Put the carmel popcorn in mason jar and topped it with a square of plaid Christmasy fabric for family and co-workers. Very easy, fast, and cheap. Excellent idea if you feel the need to give to folks, but don't have the cash or time to shop. I truly believe that people appreciate homemade gifts more than some last minute crap you pick up at the dollar general, especially when it's edible! Found several yum recipes here, including this one.

Caramel Almond Popcorn Clusters

10 cups freshly popped popcorn (1 bag microwave)
2 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1/4 cup light corn syrup
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

* Preheat oven to 225 degrees. Spray 15 x 10 baking sheet with non-stick spray. Mix popcorn and almonds in large bowl.
* Combine brown sugar, butter, and corn syrup in medium saucepan. Over low heat, stir mixture until sugar dissolves. Increase heat to high and boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla, almond extract and baking soda.
* Pour over popcorn and almonds, immediately stirring gently to coat. Pour mixture onto prepared baking sheet, spreading evenly.
* Bake for 1 hour in preheated oven. Cool completely. Break into pieces and store in airtight container.

Okay, yeah, I never said it was healthy - but it sure is tasty!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Ugh - migraine - flashy lights, no peripheral vision, seeing spots. Can't read, can't work, certainly can't drive home until it calms down. Already took some excedrin - shouldn't be much longer now. No pain though, what a blessing.

//Turning off lights and hiding under desk until it passes.

The day the elves won the lottery

GTA Soundtrack

BF finished his last final today so I gave him an early Christmas present - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. He loved Vice City, and has been drooling over the new game for months. Anyway, he got it today, and I probably won't see him for a week. (Plenty of blogging time for me!)

I know, I know, violence, language, prostitutes, drugs... I've heard it. I wouldn't buy it for my 12 year old - no one should. But for the rest of us adults out there, it's pretty damn funny.

Anyway, the soundtrack on the game is incredible. Whenever you carjack someone, you can listen to any of about a dozen radio stations - lots of hip hop, but also rock, country, talk (the fabulous blogger Wil Weaton - c'mon, you remember Gordy from Stand by Me - is even featured on the talk radio station!)

Anyway, as for the soundtrack, here are a few of the tracks from the 1990's that I've missed:
It Takes Two - Rob Base
How I Could Kill a Man - Cypress Hill
Express Yourself - NWA
Nuthin' But a "G" Thang - Dr. Dre
It Was a Good Day - Ice Cube
Let It Whip - Dazz Band
Fantastic Voyage - Lakeside
I Love a Rainy Night - Eddie Rabbit
Crazy - Willie Nelson
Running Down a Dream - Tom Petty
White Wedding - Billy Idol
Pressure Drop - The Maytals
Poison - Bell Biv Devoe
Plush - Stone Temple Pilots
Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode

If you've got Limewire and iTunes (or any other way of stealing, uh, I mean sharing files), check out the GTA:SA playlist. Excellent variety of classic 90s jams.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Do you know your ethnicity?

Today I was reviewing an offender's data sheet before his plea (does he live in our neighborhood? work at my favorite restaurant?). Name, Address, Employment - nothing of interest. But then I get down to Ethnicity.

In the Ethnicity blank he wrote:

Christian (Methodist)

ahahahaha *cough* haha *gulp* hahahaha *spit*

Now usually this would just be a sad case of an under-educated offender. Not a problem for me - kids drop out of school to take care of their own families, when things are fucked up at home, for financial reasons, addictions, etc - sometimes school just isn't a priority and when you are a kid you are just too young to realize (or care) how it may affect you in the future...

But I digress. THIS particular dude is not an under-educated bum. He is a A white upper-class male who's father is an attorney. In fact, he attends the same outstanding institution at which I'm completing my master's program.

I don't know, is this a negative reflection on me - that someone could get through three years of college, at my university, and not know the difference between ethnicity and religion?! I am not pleased.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Best/worst of 2004 - first installation

Jen and her Dad have a hilarious colaborative blog. Check out Jen's best/worst of 2004 list. Great idea - I hope to post something of this nature when/if I get through the holidays!

51 things you never knew about me

I've never about those this-or-that or favorites lists that everyone seems to be emailing these days. But Kicking Bitch (aka Rene) has been inspiring me with the boldness of her recent sex quizzes. I'll get to those another time, but first, here's a combination of a couple lists I found on Bum's blog. So here ya go, 51 things you never knew about Texas Biscuit:

----------------HAVE YOU EVER---------------
1) Been so drunk you blacked out: I've been known to forget conversations that take place after 1 a.m.
2) Been hurt emotionally: Sure, isn't that the only way we eventually learn what we really want in a relationship?
3) Kept a secret from everyone: No, eventually I'll tell someone.
4) Had an imaginary friend: I can't remember her name right now, but we played dress-up together.
5) Cried during a movie: What movie do I NOT cry through?
6) Had a crush on a teacher: Only my P.E. coach in junior high - back when “coach shorts” were sexy
7) Thought an animated character was hot: Uh, Pepe le Pew?
8) Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Honestly? Their Christmas CD was the first CD I ever bought - the year I got my first CD player - followed immediately by Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, and Huey Lewis and the News. Ah, the 80s.
9) Been on stage: Several school musicals, but best memories are from dancing in the Nutcracker as a child.
10) Cut your hair yourself: Seemed like a good idea at the time. Not so much.

11) Shampoo: Pantene
12) Color: Black, bright pink, icy pale blue
13) Day/Night: night = free time
14) Season: Spring's temperatures, Fall's foliage
15) Lace or Satin: Satin I guess - I've had a thing against lace since I was forced to wear dresses as a child
16) Cartoon Character: Ain't that many funny comic strips anymore. Cathy still cracks me up.
17) Food: Spinach enchiladas from Casa Ole, Orlando's fettuccini alfredo, Double Dave's pepperoni rolls, Rib Crib's ribs.
18) Movie: Immortal Beloved, Kill Bill 2, Charlie's Angels, Father of the Bride
19) Ice Cream: Rocky road and mint chocolate chip
20) School Subject: Psychology (or anything not involving math or athletics)
21) 'Normal' Drink: Iced tea w/ lemon (NO sweetener)
22) Alcohol Drink(s): Jack and diet coke
23) Person(s): Boyfriend, parents & 95-year old grandmother, Lisa, Cajun & Jezebel (and my cats are "persons" aren't they?)

----------------RIGHT NOW-------------------
24) Wearing: Jeans and pale blue turtleneck
25) Hair: Straight (thank you Chi iron!), below shoulders, blonde highlights
26) Drinking: Diet cherry coke
27) Eating: Just finished homemade chili with cheese, fritos, and an apple
28) Thinking about: Christmas list for family (oh God, it's only 2 weeks away!)
29) Listening to: iTunes - currently on "K"s - Kelly Clarkson, Kid Rock, the Kinks...
30) Talking to: Not talking - can't talk and type at the same time!

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------
31) Cried: Yes, tonight when I watched the Sex in the City finale where Charlotte finds out they are getting their adopted baby
32) Met someone: No one new (I don't think bloggers count - although the ones I've been chatting with recently are fantastic!)
33) Done laundry: No, but have to wash my black pants before work tomorrow
34) Drove a car: Yes - see hunk of junk from yesterday's post

-----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------------
35) Yourself: Almost always
36) Your friends: A lot more than they believe in themselves at times
37) Santa Claus: Sure, who else would eat those cookies I leave on the mantle?
38) Tooth Fairy: Nah, haven't made contact in years - maybe once I get my wisdoms pulled
39) Destiny/Fate: Absolutely. There is a plan greater than myself.
40) Angels: Yes - I think they help out in the above mentioned plan
41) Ghosts: No direct experience, but I think there are spirits about
42) UFOs: Again, no direct experience, but I'’d be a fool to believe we were the only inhabitants in the galaxy

---------------OTHER RANDOMS------------------
43) What is your biggest fear? Disappointing people who are important to me
44) What is underneath your bed? Probably some dirty socks and my boyfriend's shotgun (yeah, we live in Texas)
45) Where do you want to get married? Mountains in Colorado
46) What color are your kitchen plates? White Lenox w/ off-white trees on them
47) What is your favorite TV show? Six Feet Under
48) What is your favorite game? Drinking game: 3-man; Family game: UNO
49) What is your favorite Christmas song? O Come All Ye Faithful
50) What is the first thing you think of in the morning? Coffee, STAT!
51) What would your dream job be? Today, I'd like to work at a zoo, in the nursery

New layout

The living-in-sin boyfriend (as the lovely Le Chat Noir would say) was incredibly patient and helpful tonight. He offered to help me change up my blog format just a tad so it isn't exactly like the black blogger template that so many people use. I also wanted to start a blogroll of all the people I read and those who have been nice enough to comment on my blog. Thanks friends for visiting and thanks BF for helping!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

The big three-zero

Countdown to my thirtieth birthday: days.
I'm not ready...

Thanks State Farm!

I was in a car wreck a couple weeks ago, and although it was a rather horrifying experience, this was the extent of the damage to my old tank. Two different agents at my insurance company told me that since there were so many vehicles involved (7), and since I had the least damage of all of them, that the accident-causer's policy probably wouldn't have enough money left over to fix my car too. Drat. I would've been happy just to get $100 to repair the blinker. A couple friends told me to pursue it - if he caused it he should pay - that it wasn't my fault he fudged up seven cars instead of just a couple.

But before I even had a chance to get the police report and call his insurance company, State Farm called me with some incredible news. For a number of reasons, they were going to take care of my car first. Their estimators said the damage was about $1600 (seriously, it didn't look that bad to me!). However, due to the age of the car, it was still "totaled". So I had two options:
1) Take the book value ($2100) and surrender the car to the insurance company.
2) Take the book value minus the salvage value ($1600) and keep the car.
Where do I sign??! If I were advertising it in the paper, I don't think I could get more than $500. It's an 1989 Grand Marquis, relatively low mileage, leather seats, power everything - it was my grandmother's and she hardly ever drove it and it never spent a night out of the garage, until I inherited it 2 years ago. So that added to the value. But it has since had some mechanical probs (including 'losing' 4th gear, doors won't lock, automatic windows won't roll down, etc).

Anyhoo... I'll be picking up my check just after the new year and will be buying a new car! Of course, it won't be new-new, but something manufactured in the current decade will be nice! I'm going to put most of my student loan money on it too. Yeah, I know I still have to pay it back - but I'll tackle that obstacle when my forbearance expires.

Thanks State Farm for the new car! Knock-on-wood, but I think that seven-car pileup is the best Christmas present ever!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Missing tree...

Well I've really gone and done it this time.

I finally got around to pulling out the Christmas stuff today. The past two years we've had a live tree, but decided to use the artificial one this year to avoid the pine-needle aftermath (the cats love to drink out of the base, and the tree dries up way too quick, thus a million needles in the carpet). It took a while to dig all the stuff out of storage, but I found the lights, the ornaments, the garland, the advent calendar (oops, missed 11 days on that one!), the candy village ... Everything except the damn tree. I KNOW we had a 5 or 6 foot tree. Used it for several years, but not in this apartment. Did it not make the move? Did I at some point accidentally or purposely throw it away? Did someone swipe it from the storage shed? I mean, how does a full sized Christmas tree in it's box just up and disappear?!

I don't know where it is, but it is definitely not here. So I'm going to be making a midnight trip to Wal-Mart to get a new one. Maybe this one won't pull a Houdini on me.

By the way, this picture is of the christmas tree in Zilker Park in Austin. It is just strands spiraling multi colored lights. The tradition is to walk up underneath it, grab a partner (or two or three), look up, and start spinning. Sounds a little nuts, I know, but it's a ton of fun.

Christmas kitty

Ever heard of photographer Rachael Hale? I found her precious pet photos on Jessica's blog. DARLING!

Friday, December 10, 2004

No guilt here

I just read my last post, and it kinda makes me sound like some big square holy roller. Nopers. I've been living with my boyfriend for the past 4 years. One of my co-workers asked me at that conference if I felt guilty for living together before we got married. Uh, nooo. I'm 29 years old, and don't think I'm going to hell for living with my boyfriend for a few years before we tie the knot. I wouldn't let my teenager get away with it (thus, the previous post), but for me, it's just right.

Fragile Families

I attended a 6-hour "Healthy Marriage, Fragile Families, and Responsible Fatherhood" summit yesterday. We heard a lot about teen pregnancy, marriage and divorce rates (the one that continues to baffle me is that 50% of marriages today will end in divorce - horrid). They spoke on pre-marital education (a fabulous idea - I wish it was mandatory nationwide) and family violence (have to be careful not to push for marriage so hard that girls feel pressured to stay in abusive relationships). There were a couple of really boring presentations on gov't benefits (not that some people don't deserve benefits, but the speakers were dullsville).

Texas Atty General Greg Abbott spoke as well (would you believe that he was permanently paralyzed while jogging? A tree fell on him!). Interesting statistic: Texas collected 1.7 billion (with a B!) dollars in child support last year. Of course, the real tragedy is that these kids are growing up without their dads in their lives - a cavernous hole that no amount of money can fill - but at least some of these fathers are trying to help out financially.

The best speaker was a pastor from Chattanooga, Dr. Rozario Slack. He was fabulous - a complete inspiration. He is one of the head honchos in a program called First Things First, an organization dedicated to strengthening families: focusing on fathering, marriage, and sexual abstinence before marriage.

Okay, but I had intentions of writing about these panelists, 3 very young couples with kids. One girl had her first child at 14. Holy cow. Just to save you from doing the math, that is 9th grade. Man, the only thing I learned about sex in the 9th grade was what an orgasm was supposed to sound like from Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally! One of the girls waited until she was 18 - BUT she had twins with deformities in their hands and feet (some digits fused together). All 6 mommies & daddies are still together (all are participating in a community marriage education/counseling program), and said they want to get married. They were so immature though. When asked why they were waiting to get married one guy said b/c he wanted to have a big reception for his friends. Too bad they weren't as concerned about financial responsibility before having a child. Also, when asked the best part of having a baby, two of the guys had similar answers: "I made him, he's gonna be just like me". Yikes. Well I just hope things work out for those kids, (the big ones and the babies). Hopefully they have a strong support system and a lot of patience and love in their hearts...

Thursday, December 9, 2004

Survivor & Apprentice

Bye Jules. I wish she could've stuck around another week or two, she seemed pretty genuine (rare in this game). I'm definitely putting my money on Chris for the big win. He's really playing the game. If he can make it to the final-2, he's in like flynn. The jury likes and respects him. I don't think he's made any enimies (so far). Scout is cool lady, but I don't think she deserves to win because of her knee problems - she's gotten killed on every single challenge. Twila is tough enough but she's been a overly bitchy the past couple shows. And as for Eliza - whaaah.

Now, as for The Apprentice, I am shocked that the Donald let Kevin and Sandy go. And he kept Jenn?! Maybe she is really bright and creative, and maybe the editors are just trying to push that "dumb blonde" thing to boost ratings for the final show, but I doubt it. I'm definitely rooting for Kelly.

Nut job psychic

I usually listen to Dallas’ Kidd Kraddick in the morning on my way to work. During a commercial break this morning I switched over to a local radio show, Z102 (have you ever seen a crappier website?), and heard the most asinine psychic ever. The caller just gave her name and age and this is what the psychic came up with:

Psychic Suzanna: Helloooo there, first of, are you pregnant?
Caller: No.
Psychic Suzanna: Are you trying to get pregnant?
Caller: No.
Psychic Suzanna: But don’t you want to be pregnant?
Caller: NO.
Psychic Suzanna: Well then don’t do anything with the lights off (laughs nervously)!
Caller: Um, okaaay...
Psychic Suzanna: And this is for like the next 20 years – really, don’t do anything in the bedroom if you don’t want to get pregnant - because I can see into your future, and you have kids!
Caller: Okay, sure, whatever (disgusted, hangs up).

First of all, I do believe some folks are just more in tune with those who have already passed into the next life (or are still here with us working through some unfinished business). Have you ever seen John Edward’s show where he “talks” to deceased family members of the audience? I guess some of that may be fake, but when it comes down to it, if his message gives the living some peace, isn’t that a good thing? If my father suddenly died in a fiery car crash, and John Edward later told me Dad died quickly and without pain, and that he remembers when we [insert some personal experience that no one else could know], then I think that would help me deal with my grief.

On occasion I’ve even gotten sucked into that pet psychic show on Animal Planet, but I think that lady is full of it. I mean how all-knowing do you have to be to tell me that my cat loves to sleep in the sun, he’s still kinda bitter that I cut off his parts, but other than that he loves me more than life itself and tries to show it by sleeping on my head at night?

John Edward – a fantastic medium, a blessing to those he’s able to reach out to; Pet Psychic – a bit shady, but at least she loves animals; Psychic Suzanna – a total faker, my cat could be a better fortune teller.

Wednesday, December 8, 2004


I just set up Halo Scan for comments.


Well, at 2:30am I finished my last paper for my last class of the semester. It was kinda a bitch too - 10 pages on the effects of media advertisements on adolescents with eating disorders - pretty discouraging statistics really. But, the point here is that I am done with grad school ... for 34 days anyway (but who's counting?!). I have vowed not to set foot in the library, pick up a counseling-related book, or even think about next semester for at least a month. During those last few days before classes start I can try to figure out how the hell I'm going to squeeze in an extra 12 hours a week for practicum into my already hectic schedule. Man, thank God I don't have kids yet - I just don't know how people juggle a full time job, grad school, and a family. My heart goes out to anyone who has that kind of patience, and I wish I could learn a thing or two from you about time management (finishing a paper at 2am is getting a lot less cool the older I get).

Tuesday, December 7, 2004

Email our military

I received a forward this weekend inviting me to send a holiday greeting to our military overseas at Any Service I checked out the website and was a tad turned off that instead of taking a moment to send out a heartfelt holiday message to our troops, I had to spend 5 minutes wading through a laundry list of "do nots": Do not curse. Do not get political. Do not post forwards. Do not use excessive punctuation or caps. Do not write poetry (no poetry?!). Oh, and you have to spell correctly! Jeez, I'm all about spelling and grammar, but are our soldiers really going to reject our "thanx" and "prayrs"? I was irritated with that site and decided to look for another outlet for my message.

I googled Operation Dear Abby and Email Our Military which look okay, but there are no dates and I can't tell if they are active sites, and there is no verification re if and when and how emails will be received and by whom...

SO, I'm curious, does anyone know a good website in which I can send our troops wishes and prayers for the holidays?

Monday, December 6, 2004


Ever googled "hunk" images? (Yes, these are the kind of things I do in order to procrastinate on those last few pages of my last paper of the entire semester!) This is one of the many tasty pics that show up. Sadly there was a bunch of crap too: several dogs (and a cat?) named hunk, a hunk of cheese, too many wieners in bikinis (nothing hunky about speedos if you ask me!), a hunk of the berlin wall, a diet book called From Chunk to Hunk, and most disturbing of all - a gif of Mr Bean in his tighty-whiteys with his wang doing a dance - make it stop, make it stop!

Well, maybe that disturbing image is enough to get me back to my paper. It'll just take a couple hours and I will be done with grad school for 5 weeks. I think I can... I think I can... I think I can...

Virtual bubblewrap

Freaking over finals? Got a jackass boss? Stinky relationship?
Relieve that stress and pop the bubblewrap!

Sunday, December 5, 2004

Take me away!

No idea where this is, looks like it might be photoshopped, but that doesn't matter - I want to be there - lounging on the white sand after a hike, basking in the sun, admiring the mountains in the distance, drinking something fruity with an umbrella in it, and reading something mindless that is completely unrelated to school...

Christmas preparations

I read a funny Dave Barry column this morning about how men shop for Christmas presents, and how proof goes back to the three wise men showing up in Bethlehem with gold, frankincense and myrrh:

So the Wise Men showed up at the manger, handed their baby gifts to Mary, and headed for the eggnog. Mary looked at the gifts -- which were not wrapped, nor were they accompanied by cards -- rolled her eyes, tossed the gum resins to the goats (which ate them) and said: ''Next Christmas, we are going to have some gift-giving RULES.'' But the Wise Men didn't hear her, because by then they were over by the crib trying to teach the Baby Jesus to pull their finger.
However, I'll be the first to say that I am not super-prepared for Christmas this year. I've picked up a couple little gifts here and there while we're traveling, but certainly don't have anything wrapped and in the mail. In fact, I've handmade our Christmas cards the past couple years (and I must admit they were pretty impressive!), but just don't think I'm going to have time this season. Maybe next weekend I will finalize my gift list and hit the mall... Today, I have to write a paper for class...

Friday, December 3, 2004

Accident, part deux

Well, this pic from today's paper captures yesterday's drama a bit more accurately. That is my head floating over to the left of the melee. Please take note of the on-its-side truck that could've crushed me
........ dramatic pause ........

Thank God for my big old tank - who knew my lack of financial planning to get a new sporty fiberglass car would ever pay off like this?!

I'm going to a work Christmas party after work, so no doubt will not be up for posting when I get home tonight. Hopefully will have tons of fun pics worthy of sharing. Nothing says "fun" like a bunch of slobbering drunk probation officers gabbing about crime, horrible offenders, and "the system".

Thursday, December 2, 2004

Ohhh, my neeeck

I took the morning off work to get my nails done and go to two dr's appts (got two cavities filled - painless, and had my annual gyn exam, um, as painless as possible?). I was headed back to work around 1pm and while waiting at a red light at 4th and Quaker, heard a crash, and looked up to see a green truck literally flying through the air. I am not kidding, I was looking at the bottom of the bitch, completely slow motion matrix style. This is what I saw:

I was scared to death. I was locked in at a red light and couldn't move even if I'd had time. I was pretty sure that it was going to land right on top of me. Luckily for me, unluckily for the girl in the white grand prix in front of me, it landed on her car. Either the truck's tires or her noggin shattered the windshield and she was covered in glass. Her car was totaled and she went to the emergency room. The flying truck bounced/slid/plowed into my front bumper/fender, and landed on it's side about 12 inches from my door. There is a rubber stripe from his tire running the length of my front panel. Holy shit. It took the cops and paramedics about half an hour to get the driver out of the flipped truck. 3 of the 6 drivers involved went to the hospital. One lady even had a 2-year old with her. I was very fortunate to be located in the melee where I was. If I'd been traveling just a tad faster I'd be in a hospital gown right now. Well, at least I managed to get out of work for the day.

Sadly, this is the best pic of the aftermath that our local news could come up with. I promise, it really doesn't do it justice.

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

And... Texas Biscuit is here

Okay, it's December 1st, and time for some changes.

1) New blog name. I've been thinking on this for a month now, and still can't decide on an appropriately clever title. And I don't like using my name, so I'm gonna give this a whirl: "texas", duh, + "biscuit", a nickname of mine for several years. Just for kicks, I looked it up on a urban dictionary, and found a variety of definitions:

* an object of affection
* a gun
* a really hot girl
* a flaky pastry
* a prison bitch
Hmm... I think I'll stick with the first one.

2) I know diets traditionally start on Jan 1st, but this year I'm getting a 30-day head start. I was on Atkins for 9 months, did great, then fell ass-backwards off the wagon in September. I've completely carbed out - pizza, burgers, fries, rice, pasta, ice cream - all of it, all the time. As always it tasted great at the time, but I felt like poop. Stopped drinking water and stopped exercising too. Thanksgiving completely put me over the edge. So today, after we pigged out on McRibs (it's a good thing those babies only come around every few years, they sure are tasty)and supersize fries, the diet begins. Ah, I feel better already, making the decision is the hardest part sometimes.

3) There are a couple other things too, but I'm just not ready to put those out there - not quite yet.