But for now, no more Sims... I've got to finish making my 7-layer and cucumber dips, take a little nap, figure out what in the world to wear, and head off to our New Years Eve party by 8. Hope everyone has a safe and fun evening!
my personal online journal - highlighting a bit of the exciting and quite a bit more of the mundane. since you are already here, grab some popcorn, pull up a chair, and enjoy!
I will not wear my pj's to classHow great is that?!
I will not wear my pj's to class
I will not wear my pj's to class
The election is over, the voting is done.Want to read some really smart political commentary? Check out Michael and Sarah.
My party lost, your party won.
Let's all pull together, let bitterness pass.
I'll hug your elephant, you kiss my ass.
Over 59 million Americans voted to retain a President who was quoted as saying that Osama bin Laden (the mastermind behind the deaths of over 3000 people) is "not important"...but NOT ME!
Over 59 million Americans voted to approve the slaughter of American soldiers and innocent Iraqi men, women, and children over nonexistent weapons of mass destruction...but NOT ME!
Over 59 million Americans voted to approve the second class citizenship of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans...but NOT ME!
Over 59 million Americans voted to re-elect a President with the worst job loss record since Herbert Hoover and the worst budget deficit in history...but NOT ME!
Caramel Almond Popcorn Clusters
10 cups freshly popped popcorn (1 bag microwave)
2 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1/4 cup light corn syrup
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
* Preheat oven to 225 degrees. Spray 15 x 10 baking sheet with non-stick spray. Mix popcorn and almonds in large bowl.
* Combine brown sugar, butter, and corn syrup in medium saucepan. Over low heat, stir mixture until sugar dissolves. Increase heat to high and boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla, almond extract and baking soda.
* Pour over popcorn and almonds, immediately stirring gently to coat. Pour mixture onto prepared baking sheet, spreading evenly.
* Bake for 1 hour in preheated oven. Cool completely. Break into pieces and store in airtight container.
1) Take the book value ($2100) and surrender the car to the insurance company.Where do I sign??! If I were advertising it in the paper, I don't think I could get more than $500. It's an 1989 Grand Marquis, relatively low mileage, leather seats, power everything - it was my grandmother's and she hardly ever drove it and it never spent a night out of the garage, until I inherited it 2 years ago. So that added to the value. But it has since had some mechanical probs (including 'losing' 4th gear, doors won't lock, automatic windows won't roll down, etc).
2) Take the book value minus the salvage value ($1600) and keep the car.
Psychic Suzanna: Helloooo there, first of, are you pregnant?
Caller: No.
Psychic Suzanna: Are you trying to get pregnant?
Caller: No.
Psychic Suzanna: But don’t you want to be pregnant?
Caller: NO.
Psychic Suzanna: Well then don’t do anything with the lights off (laughs nervously)!
Caller: Um, okaaay...
Psychic Suzanna: And this is for like the next 20 years – really, don’t do anything in the bedroom if you don’t want to get pregnant - because I can see into your future, and you have kids!
Caller: Okay, sure, whatever (disgusted, hangs up).
So the Wise Men showed up at the manger, handed their baby gifts to Mary, and headed for the eggnog. Mary looked at the gifts -- which were not wrapped, nor were they accompanied by cards -- rolled her eyes, tossed the gum resins to the goats (which ate them) and said: ''Next Christmas, we are going to have some gift-giving RULES.'' But the Wise Men didn't hear her, because by then they were over by the crib trying to teach the Baby Jesus to pull their finger.However, I'll be the first to say that I am not super-prepared for Christmas this year. I've picked up a couple little gifts here and there while we're traveling, but certainly don't have anything wrapped and in the mail. In fact, I've handmade our Christmas cards the past couple years (and I must admit they were pretty impressive!), but just don't think I'm going to have time this season. Maybe next weekend I will finalize my gift list and hit the mall... Today, I have to write a paper for class...
* an object of affectionHmm... I think I'll stick with the first one.
* a gun
* a really hot girl
* a flaky pastry
* a prison bitch